
“Marma are the vital areas of the body. The word Marma comes from Sanskrit origin word ‘mri’ meaning   death. The Sanskrit phrase, ‘Marayate Iti Marmani’, also  means  death or serious damage to body or health after infliction to the point of their situation .  Hence  these areas are called Marma. In siddha system of medicine they are called Varma. 107 therapeutic Marma points are recognised by   Ayurveda. The injury to some of these lethal Marma points can lead to instant death. Massage is widely applied in the treatment of Marmas.

Marma in Sanskrit means hidden or secret. By definition, a Marma point is a junction on   body where two or more types of tissue meet, such as muscles, veins, ligaments, bones or joints.

During ancient times, knowledge of Marma was known to kings and warriors. It was applied in battle fields to hit and achieve maximum lethal effect on enemies. This science was used both in warfare and surgery. From common ailments to serious neuromuscular diseases, all can be treated by Marma therapy

Sushruta Samhita describes 107 Marma points in body. In Tamil traditions, 108 Marma points are enumarated, and in Kalari tradition of kerala 365 Marma points are in practice. Major marma points correspond to   seven Chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the trunk and limbs. The points cover both the front and back of the body, including 22 on the lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back, and 37 on the head and neck. (The mind is considered the 108th Marma.) Each has its own name based on their anatomical position.”


Therapeutic value of Marma :To name a few diseases in which Marma chikitsa is highly appreciated in healing are :-

  1. Muscular and joint pain
  2. Frozen joints
  3. Muscular strain
  4. Nervous system disorders
  5. Headaches and migraines
  6. Low energy and fatigue
  7. Paralysis
  8. Sciatic pain
  9. Migraine
  10. Tremors
  11. Muscular twitching & cramps
  12. Trigeminal Neuralgia
  13. Facial or Bell's palsy
  14. Urinary incontinence
  15. Lumbar Spondilitis
  16. Lumbar Spondilolisthesis (Disc bulge or prolapse)
  17. Cervical Spondilitis
  18. Cervical Spondilolisthesis (Disc bulge or prolapse)
  19. Frozen shoulder (periarthritis)
  20. Carpal tunnel syndrome