Diet & Wellness

Ayurveda states its purpose as heal those who are diseased and prtotect the complete wellbeing who are healthy. Ayurveda offers one of the fastest paths to health. food is stated as best best medicine. Finding what suits you and what not sometimes may be very challenging task for you. This impacts your health very adversely : u may experience great difficulty to loose weight, u may find it tough to keep your hormones in hormony. Instead of having to guess which foods, supplements, and behaviors are appropriate for you, Ayurveda give you a simple, direct prescriptive path that is developed for your unique body type, or dosha. This takes all the guesswork out of getting healthy. The benefits that occur are not only felt in your body – they are also seen in your mental and emotional wellbeing. This holistic approach to health allows you to become a balanced, vital, happy person with the least amount of effort.

In Ayurveda, when determining the optimal diet, we have to take into account an individual’s digestive capacity, mind-body constitution (Prakruti dosha), current imbalances and symptoms (Vikruti), season and climate, and stage of life. ASHTAVIDHI VISHESHATAYNA .

For instance, consider the case of an older adult with a predominantly Vata constitution who lives in a dry climate in the winter and has low energy and osteoporosis. For this individual, Ayurveda would prescribe a nourishing diet of easily digested, warm, cooked foods. In contrast, an active, younger adult with a Pitta constitution, living in a humid climate in the summer and experiencing rashes would most likely do well with a diet that includes many fresh salads, vegetable juices, and raw vegetables.

The Ayurvedic diet is one of the key components to finding the perfect balance within oneself, which is the core of Ayurveda. This diet does not have any hard and fast rules or foods to eat; rather every person has to eliminate or incorporate “the six tastes” and the “the six qualities” to find the balance among all the “Doshas”.

In ayurveda importance of food is no less than the medicines for curing diseases and maintaining health. Few of the benefits of Ayurveda diet are :

  1. Loose weight easily : appropriate suitable diet plans facililtates your metabolism. the foods which will help you to loose your fats and weight healthly are designed after detailed study of many factors and your unique body constitution.

  2. Facilitate Cure for all ailments : The principles of Ayurveda state that the beginning of curing all diseases and problems is making changes in the diet of the patient. The combination of these dietary rules with proper supplements is believed to remedy any problem.

  3. Increased life span : Adhering to this way of eating, you find balance between all tridosha; which means that your body and mind will be performing at its best. It also aids in the generation of new cells, and enhances the survival period of your existing cells. This will help you live a longer and healthier life.

  4. Healthy weight : Like every other diet, this also helps you lose weight, but in a healthy manner. Many of the weight-loss fads & plans damage your body by burning or depleting all the other nutrients, in addition to the fats. It’s a way to promote eating everything according to the person’s Vikriti. This means that people suffering from anorexia can also use this to become healthier.

  5. Increased energy : According to Ayurveda, it is believed that the digestive system is the source of energy, from where it is supplied to all the other parts of the body.  When you eat, the first effect is on the person’s digestive system. Also, after attaining the balance, all the energy blocks in your body are said to be released; ensuring a better flow of energy.

  6. Improved bodily functioning : You eat according to what your body needs to perform at its optimum level. Hence, nothing that you eat will be wasted or stored as fat. Adopting this way of eating alone can improve your nervous system, immune system, circulatory system etc; combining it with other Ayurvedic herbs and treatment methods will help your attain ongoing benefits and balance. Your body will benefit at the cellular level, become at peace emotionally, and find yourself far less stressful and more intellectual .

  7. Personalized to your needs : The diet is based upon the six tastes that are: sour, bitter, astringent, pungent, sweet and salty- and the six food qualities which are; oily/dry, heavy/light and hot/cold. Some qualities and tastes increase kapha, vata or pitta (the three doshas); while some work on decreasing them. Every person’s diet plan varies according to his or her prakriti. Also, you have the freedom to choose any food according to the tastes and qualities; making it easier to manage, and allowing a wider selection of foods to choose from.

  8. Reduces Ama : The term “Ama”, in Ayurvedic treatment, symbolizes toxicity. This works antagonistically with Angi. When Agni burns low, the body lacks the ability to digest food properly; resulting in the production of Ama – toxins- in the body.

  9. The harmonization of “Agni” : Agni is the sanskrit term which can loosely translated as digestive fire. . In Ayurvedic practices this term is used for digestive fire. According to this, when this fire burns deep and strong, your body can digest any food, whether it be according to your diet, and use it in a healthy way.
